More information (Advanced)

So I want to have, in a year time, a poem, with the theme: a Girl with a dream, from every country in the whole world! You have to be 15 years old, and you have to be a girl. I want YOU to write a poem in your OWN language. Send your poem and the English translation to: I will combine all the poems in a book. And I hope to find a sponsor so I can send you a copy of the book, if you’ve write in it of course. I want to give the book to an beautiful organisation: Plan international ( to support their: Because I’m a girl project.

So, keep writing!

Tuesday 29 March 2011

My poem!

I finally finished my poem! Sorry that it took me so long. I wrote this poem in my French lesson at school, I was bored and in a poetry mood. I hope you like it!

My dream
My dream is simple,
but not easy.
My dream is big,
but starts small.
It's my dream,
but for us all.

My dream is here,
but hard to reach.
My dream is immutable,
but to learn.
My dream is alone,
but it is for us all.

I dream about people, living together.
I dream about girls, happy and safe.
I dream about children, in peace.
I dream about the earth, who is clean.
I dream a dream for the world.
I live the dream in my head.
My dream is to make a solution together,
for all the problems of the world.

Now in Dutch ^.^

Mijn droom
Mijn droom is simpel,
maar niet gemakkelijk.
Mijn droom is groot,
maar begint klein.
Het is mijn droom,
maar voor ons allemaal.

Mijn droom is hier,
maar moeilijk te bereiken.
Mijn droom is onveranderlijk,
maar is te leren.
Mijn droom is alleen,
maar het is voor ons allemaal.

Ik droom over mensen, samen leven.
Ik droom over meisjes, gelukkig en veilig.
Ik droom over kinderen, in vrede.
Ik droom over de aarde, die schoon is.
Ik droom een droom voor de wereld.
Ik leef de droom in mijn hoofd.
Mijn droom is om samen een oplossing te maken,
voor alle problemen van de wereld.

Do you like it?

Tuesday 22 March 2011


I've just deleted my French and Spanish blog. It was to much. Every post I had to translate in English (I'm Dutch) and then in French and Spanish. One post took me almost half an hour! That's a bit blowd up, but it took realy long. SO: Sorry French&Spanish people!


Thursday 17 March 2011

The girl effect

Hi there!
It's me again! ^.^
A friend of my family has show me a AMAZING video! About: THE GIRL EFFECT.
I hear you thinking: What? Girl effect? WHat the hell is that?
I tell you: It's the futur of humanity.
Yes I am serious!
Look at: Sites who also fight for a girl friendly world.
Or on youtube:

Watch it now! Why are you waiting??? ^.^

I only post this on my English blog, because the video's are in English. Sorry!


Sunday 13 March 2011


Finally! The fifth poem! This one is from Poland!
It's writen by: Klaudia. So: Klaudia thank you so much!

Zamek na lodzie
Spacerując ciasną, codzienną uliczką
na silnej skale wzniesioną
kontempluję noc minioną.
Na jawie ponownie przeżywam
sen, który muszę ukrywać,
podróż z zorzą polarną jako przewodniczką.

Podróż w krainę nierealną, ku wolności,
gdzie już nie izby mały ułamek,
lecz piękny wybuduję zamek.
Stanie na lodowej cudów pustyni
pełniąc rolę marzycielskiej świątyni.
Szepty, że runie, nie zburzą mej radości.

Twierdza mych fantazji stanie się symbolem
znakiem szczęścia i wolności,
ucieczki od twardej rzeczywistości.
A gdy już mury wzniosę romantyzmem
aby uchronić się przed cynizmem
Miłości mych marzeń jedynie wejść pozwolę.

Castle on ice
Walking through narrow, quotidian aisle
which on hard rock was built,
last night is what about I think
In awareness I relive
the dream, which I have to hide,
the journey with polar aurora as a guide.

The journey to unreal land, to awaited  liberty
were yet not a little chamber,
but I’ll build beautiful castle.
It’ll appear on ice desert
and serve as Dreams Temple
‘It’ll fall’ whispers will never destroy my felicity 

Fortress of my fantasies will become a sign
symbol of happiness and liberty
escape from hard reality.
When I’ll finish walls by romanticism
to let them protect me from cynicism
I’ll only let my Love come inside.

Beautiful isn't it?
Keep writing!

Monday 14 February 2011



It is a long time since my last blog. Sorry! I was very bussy with school. 
But, lets talk buisness. I've 4 poems now. From: Finland, USA, Jamaica and Canada. I'm realy glad I have already 4, but I want more! ^.^ So, I ask all of you readers, please mail/phone/write/whatever you can to all our friends in the world if they know a girl with the age of 15 who likes to write poems!

Please!! Please!! Please!!

I'm gonna write my poem soon (When I have vacation) and I hope my mailbox will crash because all of the poems! (

Talk to you soon!

Sunday 9 January 2011

Yeeh Canada!

The new poem is from Victoria, Canada. I realy love it! (I love all your poems. Mail them!)

Just A Dream
I have a dream, a dream to be big,
To have people look and say, Look who it is!
To be a role model, for little kids,
Being modest, and pleasant, and in the biz.
I have a dream, a dream to have friends,
Friends who will love me, and never pretend.
People who keep secrets, and trust me with theirs,
To be happy, and loved for more than my hair.
I have a dream, a dream to be smart,
To get more than good grades, and know what to say.
To have people wish that they acted like me,
Smart as in knowing the right way to be.
In the end, these things are trivial,
But, after all, it's just a dream.

Great isn't it?
Thanks for writing!